Friday, 31 December 2010

Tips for a Sustainable 2011!


Reclaim your originality this year. Make a resolution to live sustainably.

You can visit Start UK for inspiration and to register your promise to the world.

Here are Alphonse's suggestions:
  • Resolve to make better food choices. Learn what unsustainable food chains are doing to the environment and to your health. Get your produce locally and you could save money as well as helping the environment.
  • Sell or give away old stuff instead of throwing it out. Freecycle is an online community where you can give away almost anything.. and maybe pick something up for free!
  • Resolve to give up the queues and generic blandness of Ikea. Start collecting hand-crafted beautiful or unique pieces instead. Bonus points if they are made from sustainable or recycled materials! Also, don't forget I'm here to make your bespoke furniture dreams come true!

Wednesday, 29 December 2010

The Wood Fashioner makes his online debut!

Happy New Year and here's to a healthy 2011!

In January I am going to be moving into the online sphere, admittedly with some trepidation! I will be adding some original designs to online shops and, these are both forums for crafts people where you can buy, sell and learn, and there is some outstanding talent on them! You will be able to check out my designs and purchase them if they tickle your fancy.

Along with twitter, facebook and my website (ready at the end of Feb) I'll literally be all over the place. I am always up for some feedback or interaction so don't be afraid to get in touch. When the website launches in February along with it will come the Bespoke design section where you will be able to see one off commissions that i have undertaken and get inspired to get something made to your specifcations.

So from the Wood Fashioner to all of you out there, have an Originality Reclaimed 2011.